Hamer Slammer Centura Reviews 5

I bought it at a local music store for $150 bucks. Good deal from what I've seen...

Pretty much everything: It's in great condition even after a year of constant jammin' with my friends. Sounds great on my Roland practice amp. Nice pickups, great action. Restringing is real easy. It's a great guitar to learn on or even for some advanced players. The color is awesome.

The only thing that pisses me off is i have to retune it every hour or so cause it keeps getting out of tune.

Like i said, it's almost in perfect condition after a year of constant use. There is a couple of scratches in the back, but hey, who sees the back anyway. ;)

It's a great sounding and beautiful guitar, escpecially for the price.

joey rated this unit 5 on 2003-07-27.

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